Pink Floyd
FMother do you think they'll drop the boBmb?C F FMother do you think they'll like this sonBg?C F BMother do you think they'll try to break my balFls? COhhhh.. BAhhhh.. Mother should I build a walFl? FMother should I run for presidenBt?C F FMother should I trust the governmentB? C F BMother will they put me in the firing lineF? COhhhh... BAhhhhh.. Mother is it just a waste of timeF? FHush now baby don't you crBy. D#Mama's gonna make all of your Bnightmares come true D#Mama's gonna put all of her Bfears into you, D#Mama's gonna keep you right here, Bunder her wing, D#She won't let you fly, but she Bmight let you sing, D#Mama's gonna keep baby cBozy and wFarm. COhhhh... BBabe, COhhhh... BBabe, COhh... Babe, Bof course mama's gonna help build the waFll. solo FMother do you think she's good enoughB.. foFr me? FMother do you think she's dangerous..B.. toF me? BMother will she tear your little boy apaFrt? COohhhh.. B Aaahhh... FMother will she break my heartB? FHush now baby don't you cryB. D#Mama's gonna cheak out all of your Bgirlfriends for you, D#Mama won't let anyoneB dirty get through, D#Mama's gonn wait up, Buntill you get in, D#Mama will always find out Bjust where you've been, D#Mama's gonna keep baby, Bhealthy and cleanF. COoohhhh... BBaby, COoohhhh... BBaby, COoohhhh Bbaby, yoFu'll always be baby to me. FMother did it need to be so Bhigh? |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:10.819+00:00
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